Many thanks to all who contributed to Oxfordshire County Council's consultation before the deadline on this important issue - Bicester Wetland Reserve has been saved from road development!

In December 2015 we asked BOS members to respond to a Public Consultation on options for a South East Perimeter Road for Bicester. There were two possible routes, Options 1A and 1B meant a substantial, banked road being built across the centre of Bicester Wetland Reserve, effectivity cutting the reserve in two. Option 2 missed the reserve by some distance and followed open country.

We are delighted to report that after the consultation Option 2 was chosen, thus avoiding the reserve and it’s diverse and varied wildlife.

There were 525 responses to the consultation from individual respondents and stakeholders' representatives and 62% of respondents “strongly support” or “tend to support” Option 2.  Furthermore, 358 respondents who stated a preference for Option 2 cited that the route had a lesser impact on wildlife.

Very many thanks to BOS members for making their views known.  We were supported by friends in the Oxford Ornithological Society, RSPB, BBOWT, birders from other areas and members of the general public who recognized the importance of the reserve which is already surrounded on every side by building and development.

Alan Peters, Volunteer Warden

The Wonders of Bird Migration  -  John Buckingham

Birds make some incredible seasonal journeys. In the UK we sit on an important flyway for many migrant species, some are summer and others are winter visitors.   Read more ...

Our annual winter count, carried out by teams of observers in each of the twelve 10km square, to record the number of bird species seen between 8am and 4pm.   Read more ...

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