In addition to the monthly meetings, members receive a newsletter each month, a copy of the Annual Report, have access to the BOS reserves and can participate in the various surveys undertaken by the Society.

You can join at any time of year. The fees listed below are the full annual rate. If you join part way through the year then a pro-rata fee will apply.

Adult £25.00
Joint £36.00
Junior (under 18) FREE 
Senior Citizen £18.00
Joint Senior Citizen £27.00
Corporate £40.00

To join, please contact the New Members Officer, Lesley Underwood by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or come along to one of our monthly meetings and speak to one of the committee members.

Bearded Tit at Bicester Wetland © Derek Hales Tree Sparrow at Balscote © Richard Dunn Song Thrush © Nick Truby Teal © Trevor Easterbrook

This new paper, published on World Curlew Day on 21 April 2022, describes the current and historical status of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in an area of 1200 square kilometres centred on Banbury.   Click here to link to the paper Read more ...

 The venue for this walk will be Wroxton College, Wroxton, OX15 6PX.  Please park considerately in the village and meet at the gateway to the College.


A survey where observers are each given a randomly selected 1km square and record all the species encountered and numbers of each for a minimum period of 2 hours between 9am and noon. Read more ...

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