The BOS has a proud history of fieldwork and the resulting database is extremely well respected in the bird world.  Monitoring bird species is important in providing an indication of the state of the local environment.  The BOS has a number of on-going surveys and the more members who are involved the more comprehensive is the understanding of the bird life in our area.  New birders need not find fieldwork daunting as there are always experienced fieldworkers who are willing to explain and teach new skills.  

The area around Banbury that is covered by the BOS is divided into twelve 10km squares as shown in this map: BOS area map. If you feel you would like more information on surveys or would like to learn a bit more about the species and habitats in the square in which you live, or regularly visit, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Committee who will provide you with the appropriate contact information.  

We conduct the following surveys:

1) On going bird recording with monthly record submission. See Monthly Bird Recording

2) Winter Random Square Survey (WRSS) - a twice yearly survey of all birds in random 1km squares

3) Summer Random Square Survey - an annual survey of breeding birds in random 1km squares

4) Short and Long Day Counts - surveys of the total number of species across the entire BOS area

The results of the surveys are published in our annual reports and publications.

Upcoming surveys are listed below.

The BOS conducted a survey of Yellowhammers in the first 2 weeks of July 2018 to determine their population abundance, distribution and breeding status. We surveyed an additional 45 1km squares in the BOS survey area, along with 18 covered by our annual Summer Random Square Survey (SRSS) - see BOS Map. Read more ...

Our annual winter count, carried out by teams of observers in each of the twelve 10km square, to record the number of bird species seen between 8am and 4pm.   Read more ...

A survey where observers are each given a randomly selected 1km square and record all species and numbers of each for a minimum period of 2 hours between 9am and noon. Read more ...


The Long Day Count is carried out by teams of observers in each of the twelve 10km squares recording the number of bird species seen during a maximum of 12 daylight hours on the second Sunday in May each year. Read more ...

A survey where observers are each given a randomly selected 1km square and record all the species encountered and numbers of each for a minimum period of 2 hours between 9am and noon. Read more ...

This new paper, published on World Curlew Day on 21 April 2022, describes the current and historical status of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in an area of 1200 square kilometres centred on Banbury.   Click here to link to the paper Read more ...

 The venue for this walk will be Wroxton College, Wroxton, OX15 6PX.  Please park considerately in the village and meet at the gateway to the College.


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