Our visit will be to the Society's Neal Trust Reserve at Oxhouse Farm, Combrook - led by Phil Douthwaite, the volunteer Reserve Warden.

Please park in the parking area on the side of the Fosse Way and then we shall use the entrance with the double metal gates.  Please car share where possible to save on parking spaces, which are limited.  


The Reserve managed by the BOS covers approximately 16 ha which is surrounded by a further 18 ha of sympathetically managed arable land also owned by the Neal Trust.  The Neal Trust Reserve is a mosaic of woodland and open grassland, bordered on one side by the River Dene.  Breeding birds include Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers, Nuthatch, Treecreeper and various tits and warblers. There is a 1.6 ha area SSSI which is excellent for butterflies particularly Dark Green Fritillary which is usually seen in July.

This new paper, published on World Curlew Day on 21 April 2022, describes the current and historical status of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in an area of 1200 square kilometres centred on Banbury.   Click here to link to the paper Read more ...

A survey where observers are each given a randomly selected 1km square and record all the species encountered and numbers of each for a minimum period of 2 hours between 9am and noon. Read more ...

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