A Study of Birds in the South Midlands by A. Brownett (1974), is the second ten year report by the BOS covering the period 1962-1971. The report includes the full list of bird species seen in the BOS survey area along with a detailed listing of sightings within the report period. A summary of the breeding season surveys is presented, providing the results of the 13 species that were surveyed.

The report can be viewed and downloaded by selecting this link: A Study of Birds in the South Midlands.

The contents of the report include:

- Conservation

- The Birds of the BOS Area

- Historical and Classified Check-lists

- Systematic List

- Annual Breeding Season Survey

- Breeding Distribution

- Seasonal Distribution

- Tree Sparrows in Conygree Wood


This new paper, published on World Curlew Day on 21 April 2022, describes the current and historical status of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in an area of 1200 square kilometres centred on Banbury.   Click here to link to the paper Read more ...

The Wonders of Bird Migration  -  John Buckingham

Birds make some incredible seasonal journeys. In the UK we sit on an important flyway for many migrant species, some are summer and others are winter visitors.   Read more ...

Our annual winter count, carried out by teams of observers in each of the twelve 10km square, to record the number of bird species seen between 8am and 4pm.   Read more ...

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